Angel Nieves
Food Services Associate

Families Achieving More (FAM) helps families thrive by supporting 5 key domains of wellbeing and empowering them to support their children’s success in school and in life. FAM is a personalized strength-based pathway toward stable and eventually thriving families and community.
Rise to Thrive

Rise to Thrive students receive an advocate who provides individualized support and accountability for each student’s academic and social emotional success, coordinates services with other stakeholders; partners with the families to support their children and provide resources for family empowerment and tracks progress of each student (across learning environments).

Wave is designed to address the inequity of learning opportunities, to provide students with academic and social-emotional support, to reduce dropout rates, and to spark student interest in themselves and in school with near-peer mentors, called Guides to support students after school, during the summer, and even support students through hybrid and remote learning.